Bay 43-9006 Nexavar of patients at high risk of insulin-resistant 4 and improved

Process CV morbidity t and mortality T and overall mortality T in diabetic and nondiabetic patients. Bay 43-9006 Nexavar The focus should be on four Ans be placed tze: A prime rpr prevention of the determinants of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes ultimately by Pr prevention and early treatment of obesity, weight gain, and the Erh increase the anxiety further activity t, two non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies for insulin resistance, identifying 3, the use of noninvasive vascular presentation of patients at high risk of insulin-resistant 4 and improved delivery systems to reduce the amount of risk to achieve k can h ago from low socio konomischem status and minorities, and 5, to improve the efficiency and co-t of the provision of preventive therapy in a population at risk.
The 2011 clinical practice guidelines of the American Diabetes Association recommends that for all T2D adults with a BMI of 25 kg/m2 BMS-707035 Integrase inhibitor and tested one or more risk factors for type 2 diabetes, with a re-test every 3 years if the tests are normal. A diagnosis of diabetes nnte k By HbA1c, fasting glucose or 2 h after glucose load are evaluated by 75 g glucose. Those with an increased kardiovaskul Hten risk for diabetes with others Higher risk factors should be treated identify high. They also recommended that patients with IFG or IGT attempt to reduce the K Body weight of at least 7% and the k Rperliche activity t to 150 min / week. Metformin for Pr Prevention of T2DM k nnte For people with h Highest risk of developing diabetes and other risk factors such as HbA1c of 5.7% and not the lifestyle-intervention should be considered identified.
They further recommended that the HbA1c below 7% lower risk of micro-and long-term re makrovaskul Early in the history of type 2 diabetes to reduce. They do not recommend screening for vascular diseases As long as risk factors for CVD were treated. These new recommendations in 2011 are clearly in the right direction on the prevention of micro-and makrovaskul Re. The gr Te sw Surface of this approach is the categorical classification of diabetes and IFG pleased t remember that HbA1c, fasting blood sugar or insulin levels as continuous variables for CVD risk Similar to lipoproteins or BP. They will also continue to focus on blood glucose or HbA1c. However, at the time of glucose or HbA1c values obtained Be ht, in particular for the early T2DM was a significant loss of cell function.
The emphasis should be on high fasting insulin or other Ma be displaced for the insulin resistance, is a preferred approach. The use of metformin as proposed is too late T in the course of the disease. The main value of early metformin therapy can Ausma reduce insulin resistance and lipoprotein Abnormit th in the natural history of insulin resistance in type 2 diabetes might try to t, as the conversion of IFG or IGT to prevent T2DM. A successful Press ventionsprogramm meet the following criteria: An epidemiological and clinical studies that show that there are identifiable factors on the risk of disease, a relatively low CO 2 Expensive and reproducible measurement of these risk factors, 1 M Rz sure to reduce low-intervention co t to levels of risk factors, reduces the four levels of modification of risk factors, the occurrence of disease or other well-defined results in clinical trials. Long-term monitoring has documentation

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