Skull ossification defects are frequently associated with RTD Th

Skull ossification defects are frequently associated with RTD. The disease is genetically heterogeneous and linked to mutations in the genes encoding any of the components of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). An intense stimulation of renin production is noted in the kidneys of patients with mutations

in the genes encoding angiotensinogen, angiotensin-converting enzyme, or AT1 receptor, whereas absence or increased renin production is associated with REN defects depending on the type of mutation. The severity of the disease underlines the importance of a functional RAS in the maintenance of blood pressure and renal blood flow during fetal life. The absence or poor development of proximal tubules, as well as renal vascular changes, may be attributable to renal hypoperfusion rather than to a morphogenic property of the RAS. The less severe phenotype in mice devoid of RAS may be linked to differences between mice and humans in the time of nephrogenesis and maturation of the RAS. The identification of the disease on the basis of precise clinical and histological analyses and the characterization of the genetic defects allow genetic counseling and early prenatal diagnosis. Kidney International

(2010) 77, 400-406; doi:10.1038/ki.2009.423; published online 18 November 2009″
“Here we describe a novel method in which embryonic kidneys are dissociated into single-cell suspensions and then reaggregated to form organotypic renal structures. Kidney cell reaggregates were transiently cultured with small-molecule Rho kinase inhibitors, which

caused ureteric bud structures to form and induced formation of nephrons. These structures displayed normal morphology, expressed appropriate differentiation markers, and were connected at their distal ends to the ureteric buds, thus forming artificial tissues very similar to those found in normal embryonic kidneys. Using this culture method, it was straightforward to make fine-grained chimeras by mixing different cell types or by mixing cells transfected with different constructs before reaggregation. Chimeric renal cultures were formed using mixtures of unmarked normal host embryonic kidney cells and CellTracker-marked WT1 siRNA-carrying cells to test the 3 hypothesis that WT1 is important to a cell’s ability to contribute to nephron formation. We found a significant reduction in the ability of WT1 knockdown cells to contribute to nephron formation. This dissociation and reaggregation procedure can also be applied to embryonic lungs and to form coarse-grained hybrid tissues from mixtures of lung and kidney cells. Overall, our protocol allows very simple mixing of cells from different sources or cells subjected to different pretreatments to make fine-grained, highly dispersed chimera tissues. Kidney International (2010) 77, 407-416; doi:10.1038/ki.2009.482; published online 16 December 2009″
“Production of NO from arginine and molecular oxygen is a complex chemical reaction unique to biology.

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