SRT1720 are slightly astringent with characteristic pleasant odor

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Figures organoleptic and macroscopic bulk consists of roots of root pieces of up to 15 cm in length and up to 5 cms in thickness. They are slightly astringent with characteristic pleasant odor. They are reddish brown to dark brown to brick red in color. Cut ends and wood are mild brown to reddish brown in color. Outer surface is longitudinally shrunk and has root scars. They are very hard in nature. The bark is easily peeled off on handling. Texture is rough SRT1720 and fracture is fibrous. Lenticels are circular or irregularly shaped, nearly cup like, white in color and few in young barks and abundant in matured ones. Wood is finely porous and vessels are visible with naked eye at broken and cut ends. Surface of the woody portion is smooth with longitudinal running ridges. Secondary and tertiary roots of 1 3 mm in thickness and up to 40 cm in length are observed.
Microscopical LY294002 characters TS of young roots or rootlets are circular with cracked margins. Outermost layer is single layered epidermis followed by 10 25 layers of cork cells and then by the secondary cortex, secondary phloem and central xylem. Secondary cortex and secondary phloem are not easily distinguishable. Patches of fibers are observed in the secondary phloem. Ray cells are unicellular or multicellular in secondary xylem. Few resin ducts or cells are observed with yellowish brown contents. The bark is easily peeled off on handling from the woody portion and hence the description is given individually for bark and wood. TS of bark from matured root shows phellem, phelloderm, phellogen, secondary xylem and centrally located remnants of primary vascular tissue.
Cork or phellem, the outermost tissue is fissured and hence the outline is irregular and the thickness of the cork zone is not uniform. The cells are yellowish brown in color and number of rows of cells varies from 15 30 and even more. The cells are suberised and lignified. They are narrowly rectangular, tangentially elongated, tightly packed and lack intercellular spaces. Phellogen is not clearly observed in commercial samples. Phelloderm or secondary cortex is divided in to outer few layers of polygonal shaped, thin walled and compressed parenchyma cells and inner many layered sclerenchyma cells. Sclerenchyma cells are nearly in a continuous ring with large lumen and pits. The presence of sclerenchyma ring is a character similar to roots of Abrus precatorius17.
Inner to this is the secondary phloem that consists of individual or grouped fibers, parenchyma cells and rays. Other cells are not clearly visible. Secondary xylem consists of vessel elements, parenchyma cells, fibers and ray cells. Ray cells are one or two layered and square or elongated. Parenchyma cells and fibers are alternatively arranged in between two rays. Ferric chloride solution turns the cell contents to black indicating the presence of tannin. Vessel elements are not distinctly characterized. Few resin ducts or cells are observed in secondary xylem region with yellowish brown contents. Isolated prismatic calcium oxalates are found in parenchyma cells of phelloderm, secondary phloem and secondary xylem. Starch grains are simple spherical to irregular. The hilum and striations are not clear. They measure from 3.75 15 ??in size.

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