CUDC-101 E the separation of sister chromatids and

move thE, the separation of sister chromatids and move the p Gegens PageSever, in a process known as segregation. After all, the cell is w in two isolation During telophase and cytokinesis what. Into two daughter cells Fast microtubule dynamics are essential throughout mitosis. Microtubules play an r Important in the field of cellular Tional functions au Outside of mitosis, including CUDC-101 normal movement of organelles, vesicles and proteins, development and maintenance of cell shape and growth signaling. Polymers of tubulin heterodimers and tubulin microtubules are thin R touching, the filament Se number m can be k. They polymerize and depolymerize in cells and have two types of dynamic behavior: Dynamic instability to and treadmilling.1 The complex dynamics of microtubules are highly regulated and extremely sensitive to the handling.
If the dynamics of the bipolar mitotic spindle found block Hrdet or slowdown occurs at the metaphase anaphase transition, closing what Lich apoptosis.2 to agents that microtubule dynamics play an r st Ren Key for both the TW-37 curative and palliative chemotherapy cytotoxicity. Vinca alkaloids and taxanes are the S Pillars of this class of drugs called microtubule inhibitors to destabilize either or to stabilize the dynamic process of microtubule polymerization act. The widespread use of these drugs clinic represents an important advance in the treatment of cancer. The taxanes, paclitaxel and docetaxel, in particular, have been widely used because of their effectiveness in various tumor types. However, its effectiveness has the toxicity of t Related to r descr about.
Limited Microtubules in the non-normal and tumor cells. H Matopoetische toxicity t Ethical and neurological problems were. Taxane resistance has emerged due to the expression of multidrug resistance proteins drugs and tubulin isotypes, and mutations in tubulin. Zus Tzlich is pr Medication prevent hypersensitivity reactions, because prior to the administration of the formulation Ricinus L polyethylated required. Thus began the search for natural products that target microtubules, without these problems, with the hope of a gr Ere and wider therapeutic indices spectrum anti-tumor activity of t. As mitosis has been most studied and best understood, various biochemical mediators of mitosis identified. Targeting these protein kinases, and specific functions in mitosis is a logical continuation of the successful attempts targeting microtubules.
The Aurora family of protein kinases are w for more events During mitosis necessary. Aurora A is required for the assembly of the spindle and Aurora B is responsible for the phosphorylation of histone H3, chromosome segregation and cytokinesis.3 Polo like kinase 1 is required involved in the maturation of centrosomes and mitotic spindle formation and also for mitotic exit and separation of sister w anaphase.4 during the kinesin spindle protein motor proteins required are essential f

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