AZD2281 763113-22-0 Stress index in RM position k Nnte be a good method of PEEP titration

Usion. Stress index in RM position k Nnte be a good method of PEEP titration for patients with ARDS. 0630 measurements of FRC may need during the mechanical ventilation in ICU patients IG Bikker, J. van Bommel, D Dos Reis Miranda, D. Gommers Critical Care, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, The Netherlands AZD2281 763113-22-0 Introduction. Recently, a technique for automated nitrogen wash until the lung volume at end-expiration to measure (EELV be k Nnten of particular interest for the determination of optimal PEEP. Ibanez et al. (Pictured set 1have that EELV decreased by 25% after change of the patient on his stone to the supine position w during spontaneous breathing in healthy young people.
The aim of this study was to EELV measured in intensive care with lung problems and other comparison with the reference values currently available methods, we 45 mechanically ventilated patients under investigation in the ICU sedated mixed a university tsklinik patients in three groups were divided: … normal lung function (group N, respiratory insufficiency due to GDC-0449 Hedgehog inhibitor a primary pension lung disorders (group P and respiratory failure due to diseases of the lungs secondary re (group p were in all patients at 3 EELV PEEP levels (15 10 5 cm H2O. performed EELV values were were compared with the predictions sitting FRC (2 and with the reference value compared beautiful supine FRC protected according to the findings of Ibanez et al. (1 results . in patients without lung disease, was EELV to 34% reduced compared predicted values to sit FRC and 12% predicted by the values supine FRC at a PEEP of 5 cm H2O.
In patients with primary Ren and secondary Ren diseases lungs, EELV was reduced further and did not reach the baseline values on the back, even with a PEEP of 15 cm H2O. CONCLUSION. If one accepts that the ventilation, health, experience lung PEEP of 5 cm H 2 O at FRC , then we have found a reduction of 35% in group N. This further reduction in EELV is likely loss of muscle tone through the use of sedation in our patients in the ICU. whether the Erh is increase by the increase in EELV PEP due to recruitment of collapsed alveoli and overstretching of the lung is already GE Opens requires further research. REFERENCE (S 1 Ibanez J, JM Raurich. Normal values of functional Restkapazit t in the sitting position and lying. Intensive Care Med 1982, 8 (4 …
173 177th 2 PH Quanjer, GJ Tammeling, Cotes JE, Pedersen OF, R Peslin, JC Lung volumes Yernault and forced ventilation flie t Report Working Group Standardization of Lung Function Tests, European pean Coal and Steel Community Official explanation population the European Respiratory Society. Eur Respir J Suppl 1993, 16.05 END OF LUNG 0631 40th clock expiratory volumes change SETTING AND LUNG D. Chiumello1, Mr. Cressoni1, C. Mietto1, Berto1 V., M. Quintel2, Mr. Ranieri3, G . Bugedo4, L. di Gattinoni1 1Istituto anestesia e Rianimazione, Ospedale Policlinico di Milano, Milan, Italy, pressure 2Operative Intensive Care Medicine, University tsklinikum, G ttingen, Germany, Tues 3Dipartimento anestesia, Azienda Ospedaliera San Giovanni Battista, Turin, Italy, 4Departamentos of Anestesiologia, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile INTRODUCTION.
PEEP (PEEP can Lungensch termination by a fan-induced stop (IVL by the recruitment of ventilation already collapsed lung regions reduces the stress and general fatigue that open and close s intratidal softer and neighboring regions between collapsed and non-collapsed lung zones. We examined the association between increased Hten pulmonary gas volume and recruitment in two anatomical levels of PEEP. METHODS. A retrospective analysis of 68 ALI / ARDS patients, the whole lung scan subjected at 5 and 15 cm H2O PEEP at end expiration. lung contours were delineated manually and tissue volumes of gas were in accordance with using appropriate software. tissue volumes the gas / tissue ratio were classified ratio. RESULTS.
erh increase the amount of gas from PEEP 5 to 15 n not PEEP is not inflated in connection with the decrease in volume of the tissue (r 2 0.01, p0.91. The increase was the amount of gas cavity with the rising gas with the tissue inflated to correlate well (Erh increase the quantity of gas PEEP 5 to 15 cmH2O PEEP 229 0.77Increase gas volume correctly with the tissue of PEEP 5-15 cm H2O PEEP (ml, r 2 0.39, p \ 0 is assigned inflated, not 0,001th The decrease in the tissue inflated was associated with the increase of the tissue poorly inflated (erh is increase slightly inflated in tissues (g ranging from 5 to 15 95 PEEP PEEP 0.53Decrease not inflated in the tissue (g ranges from 5 to PEEP PEEP 15, R 2 0, 42, p \ 0.0001. CONCLUSION. CT analysis suggests that almost all of the increase in gas volume due to increased was hter PEEP to the already inflated lung regions distributed. Our data suggest, caution in the use of the EELV changes in lung recruitment induced by PEEP COLUMNS abzusch. REFERENCE (Gattinoni LS N Engl J Med April 2006 27 354 (17:1775 S162 86th ESICM 21st Annual Meeting in Lisbon, Portugal 21 September 24 2008 0632 Man Ver recruitment

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