To test the effect of gene deletion on the activity
of peptides we used the S. cerevisiae strains BY4741 (MATa; his3Δ1; leu2Δ0; met15Δ0; ura3Δ0) and the corresponding isogenic deletion strains from the Euroscarf public collection, as well as RAY3A (MATa; his3; leu2; ura3; trp1) and derived deletion strains [48]. DNA macroarray experimental procedure 25 ml cultures of 105 colony forming units (CFU)/ml of S. cerevisiae FY1679 were grown with shaking at 30°C in 20% YPD medium (100% YPD is 1% yeast extract, 2% peptone and 2% dextrose). After 3 hours of growth, 250 μl of a 100X stock solution of each peptide were added to each yeast culture (final concentration 5 μM). The same volume of MOPS buffer was added to the control sample. Cultures were grown at 30°C with shaking A-769662 nmr for 3 additional hours. Yeast cells were collected by centrifugation and kept at -80°C until processed for RNA isolation. Three independent biological replicates were conducted for each treatment. Total RNA was extracted from cell pellets and ethanol precipitated. Radiolabelled
cDNA was obtained by reverse transcription (RT) of 20 μg of total RNA, after annealing to 3.75 μg of the anchor oligonucleotide oligo(dT)VN (Invitrogen), in the presence of 5 mM DTT, 800 μM each of dATP, dTTP and dGTP, 5 μM dCTP, 5 μl of 3000 Ci/mmol α33P-dCTP, 10 units RNase inhibitor (Invitrogen), and 400 units SuperScript III reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen), at 50°C for 2 h. Template RNA was removed by alkaline hydrolysis, followed by neutralization. Unincorporated nucleotides RepSox order were separated from the 33P-labelled Rucaparib in vitro cDNA probe by passage through MicroSpin S-300HR columns (Amersham). The nylon filters from the macroarray containing 6,020 yeast ORF (Laboratory of DNA chips, Universitat de València, with platform accession number GPL4565 at Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, were hybridized with 33P-labelled cDNA probes and stripped as described [74]. A total of three different
filters were used, and each biological replicate from each of the three treatments (control, 5 μM PAF26, and 5 μM melittin) was hybridized to a distinct filter. Therefore, each individual filter was subjected to three cycles of hybridization and stripping. Filters were exposed for 5-7 days to an imaging plate (4EGI-1 BAS-MP 2040, FujiFilm), which was scanned in a phosphorimaging scanner (FLA-3000, FujiFilm). Analysis of the macroarray hybridizations Quantification, normalization and statistical analysis of macroarray hybridization results were carried out with the software packages ArrayVision v8.0 and ArrayStat v1.0 (Imaging Research Inc.). The local background was defined as the mean signal intensity of an area around each block of 16 hybridized spots, and subtracted from each signal.