Along the interface, the normal force gradually decreases to zero at about 5 nm to the indenter tip and no obvious normal force can be observed beyond this distance. By comparison, the normal force on the interface for wet indentation is overall slightly smaller
than that for dry indentation. click here Figure 9 Normal force distribution along the indenter/work interface. Figure 10 presents the distributions of friction force along the indenter/work interface for cases 1 and 2. For both cases, the friction force in the vicinity of the indenter tip is small, but it increases rapidly as the distance to the indenter tip increases. For dry indentation (case 2), the maximum friction force occurs at about 3.4 nm to the indenter tip, and the value is SIS3 purchase 21 eV/Å. For wet indentation, the maximum friction force on the interface is 12.8 eV/Å, and it is obtained at 4.4 nm to the indenter tip. This represents a reduction of 39% in terms of the maximum friction force. Also, for both cases, after the maximum friction force is reached, friction force gradually reduces to zero as the distance to the indenter tip increases. By comparing the two curves, it can be seen that the existence of water can significantly reduce the friction force along the indenter/work interface. This represents a major beneficial tribological effect. The reduction of friction force on the interface is believed to result in smaller
indentation AMP deaminase forces and a smaller hardness value at maximum indentation depth. This is supported by the micro-hardness testing results reported by Li et al. [16], whose study confirms that the indenter/specimen interfacial friction has a significant effect on the low-test-load indentation micro-hardness based on the traditional power law and proportional
specimen resistance model. Figure 10 Friction force distribution along the indenter/work interface. Besides, the equivalent stress distributions of nano-indentation are obtained for cases 1 and 2. As shown in Figure 11, the stress gradient in case 1 is steeper than that in case 2. The maximum equivalent stress is 43 GPa for wet indentation, which is located along the indenter/work interface and approximately consistent with the peak friction force location in Figure 10. Meanwhile, the maximum equivalent stress is 29 GPa for dry indentation, which has a similar location. Figure 11 Equivalent stress distribution in nano-indentation for (a) case 1 and (b) case 2. Influence of indentation speed The influence of indentation speed is also examined. Here, we group cases 1, 3, and 5 to discuss the influence of indentation speed in wet indentation and cases 2, 4, and 6 for dry indentation. Two general observations can be obtained. First of all, the indentation force evolutions are compared, as shown in Figure 12. It can be seen that for both dry and wet nano-indentations, the indentation speed of 100 m/s generates the highest overall indentation force.