Analyses of organic pollutants (polychlorinated biphenyls – PCBs,

Analyses of organic pollutants (polychlorinated biphenyls – PCBs, hexa- chlorobenzene – HCB and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons selleck chemical – PAHs) were performed on sediment samples from selected depth intervals. Individual samples were freeze-dried (Christ Beta A apparatus) and homogenized. Sub-samples of 15–20 g were treated by triplicate extraction with methylene chloride in an ultrasonic bath. Internal standards (octachloronaphthalene and hexamethylbenzene) were added to each sample prior to extraction in order to control the recovery efficiency of the entire process. The extracts were concentrated followed by clean-up procedures (Behar et al. 1989,

Tronczyński et al. 2004, Pazdro 2004). Briefly, elemental sulphur was removed from an extract using copper powder activated with hydrochloric acid. Afterwards the extract was concentrated under a gentle flow of nitrogen, and a second clean-up and fractionation were performed by absorption chromatography on silica gel and aluminium oxide

(both deactivated with 5% water). Solvent mixtures of increasing polarity were used (F1 – 100% hexane, extracting HCB and PCBs; F2 – 90% hexane: 10% methylene chloride, extracting PAHs.) The purified sample fractions were evaporated and dissolved in isooctane prior to final quantitative and qualitative analysis. Extracts were analysed by gas capillary chromatography. A Shimadzu GC 17 equipped with a split/splitless injector at 280°C and a DB 5 column (60 m × 0.25 mm i.d. × 0.25 μm film thickness) were used. A flame ionization detector (FID) and helium carrier gas were used for the PAH analyses at the following oven temperatures: 50°C held for 1 min, followed by a 5°C min−1 increase to 150°C, followed by a 30°C min−1 increase

to 310°C, held for 25 min. PCBs and HCB were analysed by applying an electron capture detector (ECD), helium (carrier gas) and the following oven temperature programme: 100°C held Proteasome inhibitor for 1 min; 6°C min−1 to 140°C; 2.5°C min−1 to 250°C; 10°C min−1 to 310°C, held for 20 min. Identification of the individual compounds was based on their retention time using internal and external standards (LG PROMOCHEM). The identification was checked by the analysis of selected extracts by GC-MS. The individual compounds were quantified by using external five-point calibration curves plotted for each compound in the linear range of the detector’s response, and taking into account the concentration ranges of the compounds in the samples. Laboratory calibration solutions were prepared in isooctane by appropriate dilutions (by weight) of standard mixtures (LG PROMOCHEM). The QA/QC procedures included procedural blanks (in each batch of samples), analyses of replicate samples and the use of internal recovery standards added to each sample prior to extraction in order to monitor the recovery efficiency of the entire process.

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