At 24h treat ment, TNF specific gene inhibitor AZD9291 networks were associated with regulators of cell cycle, chromatin architecture and transcription, TSA down regulated all these mRNAs. These gene network analyses are consistent with the hypothesis that TSA blunted the pro inflammatory and pro fibrotic actions of TNF and TGFB. Evidently the signaling and transcriptional regulatory gene networks elicited in CBHA treated H9c2 cells for 6h or 24h also evolved with treatment duration. The IPA of DEGs of cells treated for 6h with CBHA revealed the existence of TNF and IFN�� specific gene networks. These two cytokine hubs were connected with PTEN PI3K AKT, MAPK, and transcription factors. We should note however, that although PTEN PI3K AKT and MAPK signaling molecules were robustly elicited by both CBHA and TSA, the cytokine specific networks induced by the two HDACIs were significantly different in detail.
For ex ample, while TSA preferentially elicited TGFB intensive gene networks both at 6h and 24h, CBHA treatment eli cited strong TNF and IFN�� specific networks at 6h whereas cells exposed for 24h induced IL 6 and IFN�� centered hubs. Strong CDKN specific and p53 specific gene networks were also seen in CBHA treated cells at 24h. A number of unique and shared features of the two pan HDACIs are worth mentioning here. First, the TNF specific networks seen in CBHA treated cells at 6h were similar to those seen in TSA treated cells, in both cases TNF specific hubs were directly connected with MyoD, MyoG, HDAC 7, SERPINB9 genes, all of which were down regulated.
Second, the PTEN specific gene network, connected to genes that were either induced or suppressed by CBHA, was only seen at 6h after CBHA treat ment. Third, the TP53 gene network was more prominent in CHBA treated cells at 24h compared with that seen in TSA treated cells after 24h. Fourth, numerous DEGs involved in the regula tion of cell cycle, chromatin remodeling and mRNA metabolism were affected by TSA and CBHA. Fi nally, it is significant to note that the pro inflammatory IFN�� and IL 6 specific gene networks were connected mainly to down regulated genes involved in DNA replica tion cell cycle cell cycle in CBHA treated cells at 24h. Ingenuity pathway analyses of six unique clusters of DEGs corroborate and extend the TSA and CBHA inducible gene networks seen in the combined dataset As outlined above, the merged dataset was devoid of a large number of DEGs that were contained in Clusters A through F.
Therefore, to carry out a more comprehen sive network analysis with a goal to corroborate and ex tend IPA of the merged dataset, we analyzed Clusters A through Entinostat F individually. These analyses revealed that, irrespective of the HDACI or the duration of the treatment, Clusters A, B and C were populated by genes that regulate intracellular sig naling, cellular energetics, inflammation and prolifera tion and apoptosis.