Cocoa parts at least 32%, milk fat at least 3.65%.Sample 5 – Cocoa butter, sweetener lactitol (E966), whole milk powder, polydextrose, skimmed milk powder, cocoa mass, emulsifier (E322), sweetener aspartame (E951), sweetener acesulfame potassium (E950), ethyl aniline, aroma. Total dry substance of cocoa parts at least 27%. Total milk dry substances at least 28%, milk fat at least 4%.2.2. Color MeasurementsDuring the 1st month from the declared production time, i.e. in the period from 0 �C 30 days, and after 90, 180, 270 and 360 days of storage at the appropriate room temperature (t =18�C20��C) color was measured instrumentally with a MINOLTA CR 400 Chroma meter thristimulus photoelectric colorimeter, with a D light source, standard 65�� viewer and 8 mm light beam diameter.
Color was measured at three predetermined places of the chocolate top and bottom surfaces (n = 50). Results were expressed in the CIE system, as the average values: Y = average reflectance or brilliance; ��= dominant wavelength (nm), and color purity P(%) [30].In the CIE system, average reflectance or brilliance is determined on the basis of the Y (%) �C value which is readed out directly at the Minolta CR-400.Dominant wavelength (��) is determined on the basis of the calculated trichromatic coefficients, which are introduced into the chromacity diagram (point F), which is to be jointed with the point C, and extender to the intersection with the spectral curve. Point of intersection [point G represents the dominant wavelength (Figure 1)].Figure 1.Determination of dominant wavelength and purity of color by CIE system.
Color purity is expressed in percents and it is to be calculated on the basis of the following relation of points:color purity (%) P=C?FF?G?100(1)In CIEL*a*b* results were given as the mean values: L* �C psychometer light, a* �C psychometer tone and b* �C psychometer chroma [31�C34]. Color quality characteristics are expressed on the basis of the following equations:psychometric light L*=116?(YY0)13?16(2)psychometric tone a*=500?[(XX0)13?(YY0)13](3)psychometric chroma b*=200?[(YY0)13?(ZZ0)13](4)a* – psychometric tone [participation of red (+) and green (�C) colors of components];b* – psychometric chrome [participation of yellow (+) and blue (�C) colors of components].Whiteness Index (WI) was calculated according to [20,28]:WI=100[(100?L*)2+(a*)2+(b*)2]0.
5(5)For determination of degree of difference of color between sample and the standard white, ��E*-values were calculated [32]:��E*=��L*2+��a*2+��b*2(6)2.3. Sensory AnalysisSensory properties of the dietary chocolates were followed during the whole period of storage, Anacetrapib using all known relevant ISO standards [35�C39].Sensory evaluations include the selected, representative, or dominant attributes of chocolate qualities.