Gefitinib Iressa associated with platelet aggregation in vivo platelet

Metry was similar to the translucent Gefitinib Iressa Permeability standard aggregometry to detect the effect of the pr Operative clopidogrel and aspirin in heart patients. In contrast VASP phosphorylation occurs, wherein aggregation in a liquid phase, impedance aggregometry on the surface Chen takes place. This is associated with platelet aggregation in vivo platelet aggregation, occurs primarily at the site of vascular Ren injury or atherosclerotic plaques. We found no correlation between the results of the ADP-induced platelet aggregation by impedance aggregometry and ADP-induced exposure of the surface Measured surface P-selectin by flow cytometry. Measurement of P-selectin positive Pl Ttchen by flow cytometry an sp Th stage of platelet aggregation. To apply this method to the Load GE isolated by various centrifugation from the blood. Moreover, P-selectin-positive platelets bind to leukocytes in the circulating blood. Platelet aggregates have been proposed leukocytes to be a sensitive marker for platelet Hyperreaktivit t be, and are h Forth in patients with increased Htem kardiovaskul Rem risk. This k Nnte be an m Glicher reason why we found no correlation between these methods. It is important, there was a significant correlation between the Ausma phosphorylation and controls by impedance aggregometry observed. Sibbing et al. used in their study of multiple electrodes on Thrombozytenaggregometrie clopidogrel low responders defined. High on the Blutpl Ttchenaggregation treatment was associated with the occurrence of stent thrombosis within six months following stent implantation. In addition, low response to clopidogrel was assessed by impedance aggregometry with an increased Hten associated risk of early stent thrombosis. Matula Siller et al. describes what the measurement of platelet function by aggregometry impedance more pr diktiv for thrombosis is that the assessment of platelet function by measuring VASPphosphorylation. Based on these results and the fact that impedance aggregometry quick and easy to use whole blood, without ttchen the need for a method for the isolation of Blutpl, We used impedance aggregometry for the inhibition of platelet function is in the quantification of coronary artery disease patients on therapy with platelet aggregation inhibitors in sub-clinical study. 4.2. The clinical application of impedance aggregometry Several studies on the clinical significance of increased Hten Thrombozytenreaktivit t despite clopidogrel were published VER. Clopidogrel low reactive Conductivity is obtained with a Hten risk of recurrent kardiovaskul Ren associated events. Patients who suffer stent thrombosis have a high post-treatment PI Ttchenaggregation despite dual antiplatelet therapy. Poor responsiveness to clopidogrel is an important marker for predicting thromboticevents CAD in these patients after PCI. Buonamici et al. describes almost quadrupled the risk of thrombosis in patients with treatment Thrombozytenreaktivit t to N70% as measured by the ADP-induced platelet aggregation by light transmission aggregometer measured. In this study we were able to are daily dose of 150 mg / d of clopidogrel in 10 patients with high Thrombozytenreaktivit t on treatment. Only 60% of these so-called clopidogrel low responders showed a subsequent End reduction of platelet response.

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