The gray matter of cortex can be better aligned across subjects by using computational methods to stretch and warp local patches of the cortical surface until the sulci and gyri are well aligned. However, even after cortical alignment, functional brain areas can still vary in size, shape, and location across individuals (Sabuncu et al., 2010). Moreover, functional imaging studies have shown that pattern information can be found at fine spatial scales (Swisher et al., 2010), and such fine-scale information would likely be lost due to imperfect
anatomical alignment. To circumvent the challenges posed by anatomical alignment, the authors developed an entirely different approach of aligning the patterns of functional activity across different brains, a method they call hyperalignment. They focused on the ventral KU-55933 price temporal cortex, which has been shown to provide detailed information about visual object categories ( Haxby et al., 2001). Of critical relevance, the activity patterns in this cortical region convey information primarily about the semantic categories of visual objects rather than their low-level visual properties ( Kriegeskorte et al., 2008 and Naselaris et al., 2009). The authors selected 1,000 voxels from the ventral temporal cortex of each participant; among this set of voxels, they could observe distinct spatial patterns of activity for each of the 2000+ time points of fMRI data collected else during the movie.
These spatial patterns of activity can be analyzed by plotting the response of each voxel along a separate orthogonal dimension, so that any activity pattern can be represented by a single point in this 1,000-dimensional space. Pattern classification methods, such as multivariate pattern analysis (MVPA), can be used to predict what stimulus a person is looking at, given that repeated presentations
of a stimulus will evoke very similar patterns of activity within that person’s brain. However, a limitation of current MVPA methods is that they usually make far less accurate predictions when applied across individuals, because anatomical coregistration fails to adequately align the functional representations between different brains. What alternatives might there be to devise a mapping between the 1,000-dimensional voxel space of one participant and that of another if anatomy is not taken into account? Haxby and colleagues (2011) used a specialized algorithm (a Procrustean transformation) to rotate and reflect the 1,000-dimensional space of one participant into alignment with that of another, essentially by aligning voxels or combinations of voxels that shared similar time signatures. For example, a voxel that prefers vehicles should respond strongly whenever a car, boat, or airplane appears during the movie; voxels that prefer a different stimulus, such as snakes, should lead to a different time signature in all participants.