This paper is organized as follows: First, the recording protocol will be explained. The following section, explains the description of the modeling methods, containing signal preprocessing and proposed neuro-fuzzy modeling method. Then, the results of the proposed method are presented. Next, clinical interpretations and limitations, comparison with the other Regorafenib price works, and directions for future work are mentioned. Part of this work has been presented in the
abstract from in ISEK 2014 conference.[36] MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental Data The participants of this study were four healthy male subjects with the average age 21.3 ± 2.8 years; height 174.3 ± 2.6 cm; and body mass 71.0 ± 3.4 kg.[27] A written informed consent in accordance with the declaration of Helsinki was confirmed by each participant. Surface EMG signals from biceps brachii (BB), brachioradialis (BR), Lateral and Medial heads of [Triceps Brachii Lateral and Medial words (TBL) and Triceps Brachii (TBM)] were recorded during isometric voluntary flexions-extensions contractions while the elbow angle was flexed at 90°. For acquiring signals
from the BB muscle, a two-dimensional adhesive array consisting of 65 electrodes of circular shape (5 columns and 13 rows, 8 mm inter-electrode distance, LISiN– Spes Medica, Battipaglia, Salerno, Italy) was used on its distal half, and for detecting signals of BR, TBL, and TBM, three linear arrays with 8 electrodes (inter-electrode distance of 5 mm) were applied. The muscle innervation zones (IZ) were located using a 16 electrode array (5 mm electrode length, 1 mm diameter, 5 mm inter-electrode distance). The main IZ was located prior to the electrode-array placement for each muscle and the adhesive arrays were placed either
proximally or distally from the main IZ location based on the subject’s anatomical features. The reference electrode was placed at the wrist. Prior to the placement of the electrodes, the skin was gently abraded using abrasive paste (Meditec–Every, Parma, Italy). After amplification of the monopolar EMG signals (multi-channel surface EMG amplifier, EMG-USB, LISiN-OT Bioelectronica, Torino, Italy) and band-pass filtering (3 dB bandwidth, 10-750 Hz), they were sampled at 2048 Hz with a resolution of 12 bits. For measurement of the torque signal, an isometric Dacomitinib brace used for limb fixation was applied, and after amplifying (Force Amplifier MISO-II, LISiN, Politecnico di Torino, Italy), it was sampled at 2048 Hz. The torque signal was displayed on a screen as a feedback for the participants, and was recorded at the same time with the EMG signals. At the first step of the experiment, three maximal voluntary contractions at isometric flexion and extension states (fMVC, eMVC) with 5 s duration were performed and the maximum was selected as the reference flexion and extension MVC.